
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Project -2


Awareness on Traffic and Safety Rules – A Statistical Analysis

(With Reference to Visakhapatnam City)


Road accident is most unwanted thing to happen to a road user, though they happen quite often. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistakes on road. Most of the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads but it is only the laxity on their part which causes accidents and crashes. Main cause of accidents and crashes is due to human errors. Some of the common errors of people which result in accident are: (1) over speeding; (2) drunken driving; (3) distractions to driver; (4) red light jumping; (5) not using safety gears like seat belts and helmets (6) non-adherence to lane driving and (7) overtaking in a wrong manner. A transportation by road in India is very popular for various reasons, but the condition of Indian roads needs substantial improvement. The rate of road-accidents and fatality in the country is very high. Pressure on roads has been on increase and the number of vehicles is increasing leaps and bounds. Lack of road-sense has further complicated the matters. Driving licenses are alleged to be given without proper testing and traffic rules and regulations are thrown to the winds. Overloading is another major factors of road-accidents and deaths.

The condition of the vehicles is hardly found road-worthy. The unmanned railway level-crossings further add to the chaos and confusion. Travel by road provides a lot of flexibility, convenience, speed and reliability, particularly at short distances in cities and towns. Therefore, it is the most preferred mode of transport. But Indian roads in cities, towns and those connecting them have been in a very poor condition. Their development and maintenance have not kept pace with the growth in vehicular population. Consequently, there are accidents, serious injuries and deaths all around. Road transportation is the backbone of our nation and transport services are considered as growth engine of the economy. It is said that more the length of roads, more the prosperity of the nation. The prosperity brigades of a nation normally comprise of intelligentsia, hard 2 labor, infrastructure availability and lastly the smooth safer roads.

However, transportation network if not used properly may cause pollution and accidents. As per data registered by the World Health organization, (WHO 2019) nearly 12 lakhs people are known to die each year in road accidents globally out of which more than 83,000 people are killed roughly 5 times of this number (about 4 lakhs) are seriously injured in India. It means, we kill about 230 people and injure about1100 every day on Indian roads. Out of this, about 25-30% are pedestrians and 15-20% children under 15 years of age. In India, the total cost of losses due to road accidents are in the range of Rs. 400-500 cores a day. The estimated cost includes compensation, asset loss, time and energy spent on police, hospital and court cases etc. But it is difficult to measure these sufferings in terms of money. The loss to the nation due to road accidents is untold, eating into the economics of the nation.Road safety has become a major concern for the regulatory authorities in India. Indian road safety situation is many times worse when compared to the developed countries of the world, which leaves much to be done in the field of Road Safety Management. Road safety is defined as the absence of crashes, injuries and fatalities.

The term "safety" implies that there are no occurrences of accidents. Although undesirable, crashes and fatalities are inevitable incidents of the transportation system. The road transportation is cursed with road accidents. A substantial accident risk is always present in the development of transport facilities. Road crashes are a growing problem worldwide. The road systems all over the world are getting more and more congested and unsafe day by day. Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is normally defined as "accident which takes place on the road between two or more objects, one of which must be any kind of a moving vehicle." Road traffic accidents can be called as perennial disaster, as they have claimed far more lives than any of the natural disasters. "Accidents are not natural but they are caused," is a common saying in the area of traffic safety. Every hour, 13 people die due to road accidents, the highest in the world. Every 10th person who dies in road accidents is an Indian. Road fatalities in India have been rising at the rate of 8 per cent a year and, paradoxically, have only increased even as massive amounts of money have been pumped into improving roads and adding new highways, 3 flyovers and expressways.

In India, it's a tragic conundrum; the better the road, the faster the traffic will go, but with lax enforcement, few rules and safety factors, it only leads to more deaths. The major factors that lead to the high incidence of road accidents are, drunken driving, driver fatigue, wrong judgments, negligence, poor traffic management, bad roads, total lack of observance of traffic rules, weak legal deterrents, ineffective traffic police, walking pedestrians and a deadly mix of slow and fast-moving traffic. A sizable number of fatalities due to road accidents is avoidable but for want of better road safety management and availability of prompt medical help. The fact is that there are too many vehicles on our roads which are built without any foresight or care for future projection of traffic volumes. Vehicular traffic in India is growing at an alarming rate and still the government and local agencies responsible for road safety and traffic management have been slow in their response to deal with the problem. India is second most populous country in the world beside china, the estimated population in 2017 may is India is still second populous country in world and Asia continent. Land area consisting of 1,269,219 sq. Miles surrounded by seven countries and has connected by the transport system. Many national highways and expressway, recently opened Pune Mumbai, expressway, Delhi Noida expressway. Due to increase in population and buying power of the people are in large, who own cars, two, three wheelers. Indian states are experiencing severe traffic jam and fatal car accidents. Out of many road accidents in 2017, India ranked 2 in road accidents beside china, making the country with most road accidents in the world.

Objectives: To determine whether or not the queries chosen are going to be relevant in addressing the set objectives of the analysis and conjointly to update form and discard pointless queries, To rectify errors before the specific questionnaires go out to the particular respondents. To calculate the intermediate response rate within the use of numerous medium for information collection. 

Method of collecting Samples: The population under-study which consists of  the population 4.3072 million (estimated) as of 2019, it is remarkably impossible to interview such chaotic amount of population .254 respondents of Visakhapatnam have been surveyed. selected through a non-random sampling technique .A pre designed and a pre tested structured A cross sectional study was conducted among 200 people aged between 18-50 in the vizag city. The samples were multiple choice questionnaire and check list was used for assessment and practice of road safety rules The collected data was analysed by using descriptive and analytical statistics by SPSS version 16.0. 

Summary and Conclusions: In the study, it is observed that 85.7 per cent respondent are males, 14.2 per cent respondent are females .Among these respondent according to their gender 37.6 per cent between the age 15-25, 28.1 percent respondent are between the age 26-35, 16.19 percent respondent are between the age 36-45 ,18.09 percent respondent are between the age 45 and above. It is observed that 4.28 percent respondents have answered no parking, 94.76 percent respondent have answered no u – turn ,0.47 percent respondent have answered zebra crossing, 0.47 percent answered none. Among these 0.95 percent respondents are illiterate, 0.47 percent respondents are below fifth, 15.2 percent respondents are sixth to tenth, 15.2 percent respondents are inter, 64.76 percent respondents are UG and PG. It is observed that 2.3 percent respondents have answered no u-turn, 0.95 percent respondents have answered no parking,95.71 percent respondents have answered  no over taking ,0.95 percent respondents answered none. Among these 0.95 percent respondents are illiterate, 0.47 percent respondents are below fifth, 15.2 percent respondents are sixth to tenth ,18.5 percent respondents are inter , 64.7 per cent respondents are ug pg. It is observed that 1.42 percent respondents have answered black zone,0.47 percent respondents have answered zebra crossing,96.60 percent respondents have answered speed limit ,1.42 percent respondent answered none. Among these 0.95 percent respondents are illiterate ,0.47 per cent respondents are below fifth,15.23 per cent  respondents are sixth to tenth, 18.57 per cent respondents are inter ,64.7 per cent respondents are ug and pg. It is observed that 96.6 percent respondent have answered the no parking, 2.3 percent respondent have answered the stop,0.47 percent respondent have answered zebra crossing ,0.47 percent respondent have answered others .Among these 0.95 percent respondent are illiterate,0.47 percent respondent are below fifth ,15.2 percent respondent are sixth to tenth,18.5 percent respondent are inter, 64.76 percent respondent are ug pg. It is observed that 25.5 per cent respondent are strongly agree ,31.9 percent respondent are agree , 20.9 percent respondent are neutral , 11.9 percent respondent are disagree , 5.7 per cent respondent are strongly disagree, among this 37.6 per cent are from 15-25 age group,28.1 per cent are from 26-35 age group ,16.1 percent are from 36-45 age group ,18.1 per cent are 45 and above. It is observed that 50.4 per cent respondents have never parked their vehicle in no parking area ,7.1 percent respondents parked their vehicle in the no parking area because parking fee is too high ,22.3 per cent respondents parked their vehicle in no parking area because of urgency ,17.1 percent respondents parked their vehicle in no parking area because of no place in parking area ,2.8 per cent respondent parked their vehicle no parking area because of other reasons. It is observed that 60.9 percent respondents have paid penalties by crossing the rules of the government, 39.04 percent respondents never paid penalties. Among these 37.6 percent respondents are from 15-25 of their age group, 28.1 percent respondents are from 26-35 of their age group, 16.1 percent respondents are from 36-45 of their age group , 18.1 per cent respondents are from 45 and above. It observed that the total number of respondents are 210.Among these respondents 35.2 percent are from slum and 64.3 percent are from hygienic. It is observed that the total number of respondents are 210.Among these respondents 1 percent are illiterate , 0.5percent respondents are below fifth,15.2percent respondents are sixth to tenth,18.6 percent respondents are inter, 64.8 percent are under and post graduation. It is observed that the total number of respondents are 210.Among these respondents 85.7 percent are male, 14.3 percent are female. It is observed that the total number of respondents are 210.Among these respondents 37.6percent are from 15-25 age group, 28.1 percent are from 26-35 age group, 16.2 percent are from 36-45 age group, 18.1   percent are from 45 and above. it is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 21 percent are government employees , 70.5 percent are private employees , 1 percent are labours and 7.6 percent are students . It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 90.5 percent have license, 9.5 percent have no license. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 39.5 are driving vehicle from 1-5 years, 26.7 are driving vehicle from 6-10years, 33.8 are driving vehicle from 11 & above years.  It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 87.1 percent have read the rules and regulations, 12.9 percent have never read. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 98.1 percent respondents follow the signal boards on the road (or) on Highways,1.4  percent respondents  do not follow. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these respondents 87.6 percent have renewal their insurance and pollution check on time, 11.9 percent respondent. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 77.6 percent respondents will keep their  rear view mirrors open ,21.9 percent respondents have no mirrors. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 29.5 percent respondent strongly agreed that they are satisfied with the increase in penality, 31.9 percent respondent agreed that are satisfied with the   increase in penalty , 21.0  percent respondents are neutral about the satisfaction of increase the penalty ,11.9 percent respondents disagreed with the increase in penalty , 5.7 respondents strongly disagreed with the increase in penalty.  It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 69 percent respondents strongly agreed that they think wearing helmet is useful ,23.3 percent respondents agreed that they think wearing helmet is useful , 6.2 percent respondents are neutral about wearing helmet, 1.4 percent respondents are strongly disagreed in wearing helmet.    It is observed that the total number of respondents 210.Among these 81.4 percent respondent give way to pedestrians at zebra crossing (or) junctions,3.8 percent does not give way to pedestrians, 14.8 percent respondents sometimes they give way to pedestrians. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 19.6 percent respondents have crossed the signal points, 53.1 percent respondents. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 50.5 percent never parked their vehicle in no parking area, 7.1 percent respondents parked their vehicle in no parking area due to high fee, 22.4 percent respondents parked their vehicle in no parking area because of urgency, 17.1 percent respondents parked their vehicle because there is no place is parking lot and 2.9 percent respondents parked their vehicle because of other reasons. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 77.6 percent respondents use hand signals while driving 21.9 percent respondents does not use hand signals. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 61 percent respondents have paid penalties by crossing the rules of the government and 39 percent respondents never paid penalties. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 42.4 percent respondents suggested a more efficient transport system, 21 percent respondents suggested faster assistance to vehicles involved in a collision, 22.4 percent respondents suggested that traffic lights timed to control traffic, 11.4 percent respondents suggested other than these , 1.4 percent respondents suggested both transport system and faster assistance, .05 percent respondents suggested all three and 1 percent respondents suggested both transport system and faster assistance and also gave their personal suggestion. It is observed that the total number of respondents 210. Among these 3.3 percent respondents gave 0 rating to Visakhapatnam traffic management, 0.5 percent respondents gave 1 rating, 2.9 percent respondents gave 2 rating, 6.2 percent respondents gave 3 rating, 5.7 percent respondents gave 4 rating, 5.7 percent respondents gave 4 rating, 19.5 percent respondents gave 5 rating, 18.1 percent respondents gave 6 rating, 17.1 percent respondents gave 7 rating, 15.2 percent respondents gave 8 rating, 6.2 percent respondents gave 9 rating and 4.8 percent respondents gave full rating.

Policy Implications: It is necessary for everyone to be aware of traffic signs and road rules. Traffic signs can give you important information that can ensure your safety and the safety of those around you and awareness of road rules can lower chances of accidents. Over 1,50,000 people in India are killed every year due to traffic accidents. With a per day average of 400 fatalities, India has one of the highest rates of accidents in the whole world. One of the prime reasons for these accidents is negligence of road safety norms and traffic signs. Be it a pedestrian or a person driving a car/motorcycle, having awareness about road safety norms and traffic signs is an absolute necessity in today’s time.

Traffic signs provide us with important instructions and information on the condition of roads. They not only help in the smooth flow of traffic but also guide and warn people on how they should conduct themselves while on the roads. Drivers who are pre-informed about the points of entry, exit, turns, and other road conditions by way of traffic signs naturally make less number of mistakes and reach their destinations in a smooth manner.

In India, any person applying for a driving license is required to be familiar with road safety signs and traffic signals. They need to go through a written/oral test in order to obtain the driving license. Here are some of the ways in which traffic signs act as a traffic management tool: Road signs inform drivers the correct lanes to take so that they can avoid blockages caused due to abrupt turns, Provide significant information about sensitive junctions and curves, speed limit, and presence of hospitals or schools nearby so that drivers can adjust their pace accordingly, Inform vehicle owners about available/restricted parking areas, entry and exit points, and more, Guide heavy, medium, and light vehicles with proper division of lanes, Ensure discipline on the roads by the implementation of lane discipline and overtaking rules, Inform motorists about directions to take, potential dangers ahead, and rules to follow on highways.

While it is important for children to know about road safety rules and regulations, they should not be given more information than they can handle. Here are a few basic road safety rules for kids that you can begin with. Know Your Signals,  Stop, Look, And Cross, Pay Attention – Listen, Don’t Run On Roads, Always Use Sidewalks, Never Stick Hands Outside The Vehicle, Never Cross Road At Bends,  Don’t Rush.



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