
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Project - 6



(The Opinion Survey from Greater Visakhapatnam Citizens)


Swachh Bharath Mission was launched by our Hon. Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on October 2,2014 with Mahatma Gandhi as the inspiration, to create a clean India of his dream by 2019.The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the most significant cleanliness campaign by the Government of India. Shri Narendra Modi led a cleanliness pledge at India Gate, which about thirty lakh government employees across the country joined. He also flagged off a walkathon at Rajpath and surprised people by joining in not just for a token few steps, but marching with the participants for a long way. While leading the mass movement for cleanliness, the Prime Minister exhorted people to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean and hygienic India. Shri Narendra Modi himself initiated the cleanliness drive at Mandir Marg Police Station. Picking up the broom to clean the dirt, making Swachh Bharat Abhiyan a mass movement across the nation, the Prime Minister said people should neither litter, nor let others litter. He gave the mantra of ‘Na gandagikarenge, Na karnedenge.’ Shri Narendra Modi also invited nine people to join the cleanliness drive and requested each of them to draw nine more into the initiative. The basic objective is to create sanitation facilities for all and eliminate completely the unhealthy practice of open defacation. The objectives of the campaign include elimination of open defacation, conversion of insanitary toilets to pour flush toilets, eradication of manual scavenging and above all to bring a behavioral change in people regarding healthy sanitation practices and to ensure public participation in achieving these objectives


The project examines about Swacch Visakhapatnam through Swacch Bharat, to know whether the people of Visakhapatnam are aware of it, how the people are making use of the facilities provided by the government, to know whether there is an improvement in the city after the launch of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan and how the city has been in terms of cleanliness.

The Objectives of the Study: To know the awareness of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan among the citizens of Visakhapatnam Greater City, To know the opinion of people on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in terms of Cleanliness, To know whether the people are following healthy sanitation practices or not and To suggest the initiatives for development of Programme for Policy makers.

 To outreach the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was prepared in order to assess their knowledge, Perception and Practices regarding Swachh Bharath Abhiyan. A study was conducted among 254 respondents. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS Software.


Primary Data:

Survey forms are distributed to the local residents of Visakhapatnam for data collection. Survey forms contain questionnaire. The reasons were:

1)    To determine whether or not the queries chosen are going to be relevant in addressing the set objectives of the analysis and conjointly to update form and discard pointless queries.

2)    To rectify errors before the specific questionnaires go out to the particular respondents.

3)    To calculate the intermediate response rate within the use of numerous medium for information collection.

Sample Size:

The population under-study which consists of  the population 4.3072 million (estimated) as of 2019, it is remarkably impossible to interview such chaotic amount of population. 254 respondents of Visakhapatnam have been surveyed.

Results and Discussions: In the study, 38.97 per cent of respondents with age group 15-25 have more awareness of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan compared to the other age groups. It is resulted that age does not have any impact on awareness of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan. It can be concluded that more per cent (65.74) of respondents did not volunteer in Swachh Bharath Abhiyan. 36.61 per cent of respondents with education U.G. & above are more aware of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan App compared to other education levels. It can be concluded that more percent of respondents have not used the Swachh Bharath Abhiyan app. It is resulted that education does not have any impact on usage of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan app. It can be concluded that cent percent are aware on wet & dry waste. 36.22 per cent of respondents belonging to U.G. & above education dispose wet & dry waste separately more compared to respondents in other education levels. 24.01 per cent of respondents of U.G. & above responded that there is more availability of wet & dry waste dustbins in their locality. 51.6 percent of respondents said that the dumpster trucks come daily to pick up the household waste. It can be concluded that more number of respondents i.e. 33.1 percent give less than Rs.50 to the dumpster trucks in their locality per month. More number of respondents i.e. 37.79 percent of U.G. & above education level use eco-friendly bags more compared to respondents of other education levels. It is resulted that education does not have any impact on usage of eco-friendly bags. More number of respondents i.e. 45.7 percent found less littering on roads compared to other respondents. More number of respondents i.e. 28.7 percent strongly agreed that they are satisfied with their sewage systems in their locality. More number of respondents i.e. 35.0 percent agreed that the road dividers are appropriately covered with plants compared to other respondents. More number of respondents i.e. 24.40 percent of U.G. & above education strongly agreed that the cleanliness of the city has improved after the launch of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan compared to the respondents of other education levels. It is resulted that education does not have any impact on improvement of cleanliness after the launch of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan. More number of respondents i.e. 37.79 percent of U.G. & above education strongly agreed that Swachh Bharath Abhiyan was needed in India compared to respondents of other education levels. It can be concluded that more number of respondents i.e. 16.14 percent of U.G. & above education strongly agreed that Swachh Bharath has changed the mindset of people. It can be concluded that more number of respondents i.e. 24.40 percent of 15-25 age group said that construction of public toilets, proper disposal of industrial waste, ban of plastic bags and improvement of sewage systems should be done in order to make this campaign more effective compared to other age groups. It is resulted that age factor does not have any impact on needs of the campaign. More number of respondents i.e. 40.15 percent of U.G. & above education are aware of Swachh Survekshan 2020 compared with respondents of other education levels. It is resulted that education does not have any impact on awareness of Swachh Survekshan 2020.

Major Findings of the study: Open defecation has always been a major problem in India and it is being practiced for many years continuously .People in rural areas are especially prone to open elimination and no one can deny the fact that the open elimination is a big reason for causing diseases and sometimes fatal diseases like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid etc

Swachh Bharath Abhiyan will help India in becoming open defection free and rural to be healthy and happy.

 The   condition in urban areas in India is not much better than those in the rural areas in context of cleanliness Big cities and towns are the main sources of open dumping and littering. Even, sometimes, the open dumping is done on the road side or near a public place like any park, shopping malls, schools and colleges and other places and people passing through these ways are infected to dangerous viruses and get sick.

The poor hygiene and sanitation also effect the economic condition of India and makes it slowly worse every year.

As per another report/survey, children death rate in India is very high and it invites the death of minimum 1000 children everyday only because of poor hygiene, lack of cleanliness and the mass practices of open excretion.

The extreme need of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” in India can also be understood by the fact that the river “Ganga”, which is considered to be the holiest river in India and bathing in which was considered to make you get rid of many diseases, has now became dirty and now it’s Open elimination has always been a major problem in India and it is being practiced for many years continuously. 

• As per another report/survey, children’s death rate in India is very high and it invites the death of minimum 1000 water is being the reason for many diseases

Policy Implications: Go organic, stop using plastics, gift someone something wrapped in newspapers, reduce your carbon footprint, throw wrappers in dustbins only. There are numerous effect you can make and give contribution towards cleanliness of India.

1 Make them understand that we have some responsibilities towards India and cleanliness is one of them.

Probability is there, if you do above two in regular basis and show them your contribution towards Swachh Bharath, they will learn slowly and steadily.

Tell them a large part of India would be avoiding various health hazards if we just give our sincere contribution towards Swachh Bharath Abhiyan.

Government has urged has every citizen to spend 100 hours of the year towards the cleanliness program of India(approx 16 min)

Using public transportation.

Fi Finding a washroom and not littering on roads.

Absence of good hygiene is also caused by the lack of proper knowledge Poor people living in camps in urban areas do not possess education and that is why they do not understand the value of sanitation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has also focused on making people aware of the bad effects of poor hygiene and telling them to maintain proper cleanliness around them for their own safety

 Cleanliness is not for our personal growth only but it is also for the growth of the nation as well. Cleaning the national birth rights and public places in India and making them choking free will grow the tourism in India that will ultimately increase the GDP of the nation and will help to run the economy smoothly.

Pick up the broom without being mean; our basic need is proper cleanliness and hygiene”


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Project - 6

  SWACHH VISAKHA THROUGH SWACHH BHARATH ( The Opinion Survey from Greater Visakhapatnam Citizens ) Abstract Swachh Bharath Mission was l...