
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Project - 5


Factors Which Motivate To Smoke Among Adults A Statistical Analysis

(With Reference to Visakhapatnam City)


       Cigarette smoking is one of the major killers in the world. Like  most  people, you  already  know  that  smoking  is  bad  for  your  health. People start smoking for different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Almost  all  adult  tobacco  users  started  before  they  were  18 years  old. Smoking  is  a  hard  habit  to  break  because  tobacco  contains  the  very  addictive  chemical  nicotine. Also beware of vamping. Battery-operated  e-cigarettes  use  cartridges  filled  with  nicotine, flavourings, and  other  harmful  chemicals  and  turn  them  into  a  vapour  that’s  inhaled  by  the  user. In  fact, there  are  reports  of  serious  lung  damage  and  even  death  among  people  who  use  e-cigarettes. smoking leads to health problems such as Heart  Disease, Stroke, Lung  damage, Many types of Cancer – including lung, throat, stomach, and bladder cancer.   Smoking   can   affect   sexual health in both men and women. who smoke while pregnancy or before they got pregnant usually give birth to babies with birth defects, who are premature or are underweight. Teen smokers can have many of these problems are: Bad  breath, Bad-smelling  clothes  and  hair, Trouble  keeping  up  in  sports, Greater  risk  of  injury  and  slower  healing  time, Increased  risk  of  illness. Surgeon  General’s  report  on  tobacco  is  the  second  to  focus  solely  on  young  people. the  symptoms  of  addiction  in  youth  are  similar  to  those  in adults. if  young  people  can  remain  free  of  tobacco  until  18 years  of  age,  most  will  never  start  to  smoke.  Tobacco use is a global epidemic among young people.  nearly one  in  four  high  school  seniors  is  a  current  smoker. Most young smokers become adult smokers.

     Thousand of young people start smoking cigarettes every day.  Each  day, about  2000  people  younger  than  18  years  smoke  their  first  cigarette. Each  day,  over  300  people  younger  than  18  years  become  daily  cigarette  smoker.  And many adult cigarette smokers want to quit smoking. The Indian health ministry’s attempts at issuing warning labels on tobacco products. In October, the then health minister Harsh Vardhan wanted this to be raised to 85%, with 60% graphic images and 25% written warnings.  WARNING:CIGARETTE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH”   The prevalence of tobacco use in india ranged from 14% among aged 13-15 years to 57% among males aged 18-49 years. Tobacco use is continuously increases with a rate of 3.4% annually. Present study was conducted to find the prevalence of smoking and factors associated with smoking among youth population. The prevalence of tobacco use among children and teenagers, Rates of overall tobacco use remain high, however. In 2015, 25.3 percent of high school students and 7.4 percent of middle school students used a tobacco product. Cigarette smoking by gender and age is smoking prevalence is highest among young adults: 23% of those aged 16-24 and 24% among the 25-34 age group. The only thing that really helps is staying away from all these products. If you do smoke or vape and want to quit, you have lots of information and support available. When quitting, know that the first few days are the hardest. So don’t give up. Some people find they have a few relapses before they manage to quit for good. Staying smoke-free will give you more money in your pocket, and in the long run, more life to life.

 Need & Relevance of the study:Tobacco use in different forms is one of the most common substance abuse indulged by adolescents world-wide. Nearly 6 million deaths due to tobacco use occur every year, which may increase to 8 million deaths/year by 2030. Of these, 70% deaths will occur in the developing countries, mainly China and India. Young people are the most vulnerable segment and adolescence is found to be the most susceptible time for initiating tobacco use. It was estimated in 1999-2001 that approximately 5500 adolescents, some as young as 10 years old start tobacco use every day in our country and nearly 4 million young people under the age of 15 years are already using tobacco regularly. In India, the current prevalence of any form of tobacco use among school-going adolescents(aged 13-15 years) has been reported to be 17.5% (2.7-63%).Various factors influence tobacco use among adolescent students. Addiction to tobacco products and other substance of abuse among family members and peer groups, family conflicts, poor school performance, truancy and school dropouts has been found to be associated with smoking at an early age. We undertook this study to determine the prevalence of tobacco use among adolescent students in kolkata and determine the different factors related to the parents, peer group, family dynamics and personal characteristics  that influence this habit. Though this classification was developed for adults, we used this for the present study as there are no specific definitions for adolescents and children. Students were ask about the smoking habit of father which was defined as daily smoking of at least one cigarettes/bidi. personal characteristics - smoking and alcohol addiction of friends and self, sexual exposure of friends and self, the adolescent's interest about school and concern for study, and involvement in physical activity. We used the following definitions of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for categorizing students with smoking habit.

Objectives: To examine which factors motivate the adults to become a smoker. To analyse really aware on ill health problems due to smoking. To find remedies to reduce access of  tobacco products.  

Methodology: A cross sectional questionnaire study was conducted among 18-25 year old college going students attending various colleges. All those who were current smokers were included into the study only after explaining the study purpose and obtaining informed consent from them. Hence, a total of 500 students participated in the study. A 31-item self administered questionnaire was used for the study(Table 1A and 1B). Each item was a closed-ended question with a single answer. The questionnaire items included several self-report measures developed and used over numerous studies, as well as , several report measures used by other investigators in other studies to measure the knowledge, attitude and practice towards smoking and its ill effects on oral and general health. Twenty subjects pretested the questionnaire to assess validity and suitable modifications were done before field administration. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient [the value averaged0.82].

The questionnaire assessed about the tobacco use, no of cigarettes they smoked every day, what form of smoking do they prefer, early smoking experiences and sensations, factors that might motivate a quit attempt, ill effects of smoking on oral health, other psychosocial variables associated with adolescent smoking and about the different NRTs available. Before the revised survey was administered, prior permissions were obtained from the heads of the respective institutions. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional board. The pre tested questionnaire was administered after explaining the study purpose and informing that they were required to complete the entire questionnaire. This was done to reduce drop outs due to incomplete questionnaire. No study subject was forced to complete the questionnaire. Study subjects were not permitted to discuss among themselves while answering the questionnaire and the survey was completed in the presence of the investigator. The investigator clarified doubts and answered students’ queries regarding the questionnaire.

Data was analyzed using the SPSS software Version 16.0.Descriptive statistics included percentages, frequencies and chi square tests were used to find out significant differences. (p<0.05)

Snowball Sampling: Snowball sampling is where research participants recruit other participants for a test or study. It is used where potential participants are hard to find. It’s called snowball sampling because (in theory) once you have the ball rolling, it picks up more “snow” along the way and becomes larger and larger. Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling method. It doesn’t have the probability involved, with say, simple random sampling (where the odds are the same for any particular participant being chosen). Rather, the researchers used their own judgment to choose participants.

Snowball sampling consists of two steps:

   Identify potential subjects in the population. Often, only one or two subjects can be found initially. Ask those subjects to recruit other people (and then ask those people to recruit. Participants should be made aware that they do not have to provide any other names.

  These steps are repeated until the needed sample size is found. Ethically, the study participants should not be asked to identify other potential participants. Rather, they should be asked to encourage others to come forward. When individuals are named, it’s sometimes called “cold-calling”, as you are calling out of the blue. Cold-calling is usually reserved for snowball sampling where there’s no risk of potential embarrassment or other ethical dilemmas.

  For example, it would be easier to cold-call participants in a study for families who regularly dine at fast-food restaurants than it would be to cold-call people who are having extra-marital affairs. Snowball sampling can be a tricky ethical path to navigate. Therefore, you’ll probably be in contact with an institutional review board (like this one) or another department similarly involved in ethics.

Period Of Time:

Here we are 5 members in a group and the period of time. we have taken is 15 days for the collection of the data from different branches.

Major Findings:

The analysis relating to sample respondents belonging to various areas and various occupations explains that there are 172 people here who are addicted to the smoking are explained below:

The  table, here is explained that the total frequencies are 172. The respondent result from akkaipalem is 13.4 percent and respondent result from allipuram 3.5 percent and respondent result from angati d is 2.3 percent and respondent result from Anthony nagar is 1.7 and respondent result from arilova is 1.2 and respondent result from bheemili is 1.7 percent and respondent result from chinnawaltair is 1.2 percent and respondent result from dabagardance is 1.7 percent and respondent result from dondaparthi is 6 percent and respondent result from dwarakanagar is 1.7 percent and respondent result from gajuwaka is 6 percent and respondent result from gopalapatnam is 6 percent and respondent result from gurudwar is 6 percent and respondent result from hanumanthawaka is 6 percent and respondent result from isukathota is 6 percent and respondent result from H.B colony is 6 percent and respondent result from jagadamba is 1.7 percent and respondent result from K.G.H is 2.9 percent and respondent result from kailasapuram 6 percent and respondent result from kancharapalem is 1.2 percent and respondent result from komadhi is 2.3 percent and respondent result from krishna nagar is 1.2 percent and respondent result from lalitha nagar is 1.2 percent and respondent result from M.V.P is 3.5 percent and respondent result from madilapalem is 6.4 percent and respondent result from maharanipeta is 2.3 percent and respondent result from murali nagar is 1.2 percent and respondent result from P.M palem is 1.2 percent and respondent result from pedawaltair is 6 percent and respondent result from poorna market is 2.3 percent and respondent result from Prasad gramam is6 percent and respondent result frompurna market is 6.4 percent and respondent result from r.k beach is 1.2 percent and respondent result from railway colony is 4.7 percent and respondent result from ramatakise is 6 percent and respondent result from ram nagar is 1.7 percent and respondent result from rushikonda is 1.7 percent and respondent result from sagarnagar is 6 percent and respondent result salipeta is 4.1 percent and respondent result from seethamadhara is 5.8 percent and respondent result from sivaji palem is 6 percent and siripuram is 6 percent and respondent result from siripuram is 6 percent and respondent result from steal plant is 6 percent and respondent result from tathichetlapalem is 6 percent and respondent result from thagarapuvalasa is 1.2 percent and respondent result from ushodhaya is 6 percent and respondent result from venkatesh is 6 percent and respondent result from vishalakshi nagar is 6 percent and respondent result from yendada is 6 percent. The total valid    respondent is 100.

By the result it is explained that the  frequency age wise table, it is observed that the total frequencies are 172. From the age of 13 to 16 years the respondent’s percentage is 5.8 and 17 to 20 years the respondent’s percentage is 59.9 and 21 to 25 years the respondents percentage is 34.3. The total valid percent is 100

The major finding here is, it is observed that the total frequencies are 172. From the occupation of smoker , the respondent of the auto driver is 6 percent and the respondents of the business man is 1.2 percent and the respondents of the cab driver is 6 percent and the respondents of the call centers percentage is 1.7 and the respondents percentage of cooking is 6 and the respondents of the driver is 3.5 percent and the respondents of the medical worker is 1.2 percent and the respondents of private job percentage is 5.8 and the respondents of sell's man percentage is 2.3 and the respondents of the shop keeper percentage is 4.1 and the respondents percentage of the software job is 6 and the respondents percentage of the students are 76.2. The total valid percent is 100.

The table explains that there are 172 people  and the family member who smokes in front of children is 18 people ie: 10.4% and the family members who doesn’t smoke in front of children is 50 members ie: 29% and the total number of family members is 68 and the percentage is 39.5% followed by the family friend who smoke in front of children is 17 members and the percentage is 9.8% and the family friend who doesn’t smoke in front of their children is 42 members and their percentage is 24.4% and the total number of family friends are 59 ie: 34.3% with respect to the people who smoke in premises of college  is 8 members ie:4.6% and the people who doesn’t smoke in premises of the college is 10 members  ie:5.8% and the total number of people are 18 and their percentage is 10.4% followed by the people who  smoke none of the given places is 1 ie :0.5% and the people who doesn’t smoke in neither of the given places is 26 members and the percentage is 15.1%  and the total number of people are 27 and their percentage is 15.6% .now The total people who agrees to this question is 44 members with 25.5% and the people who disagree with the given question is 128 members that is 74.4% and the total people are 172 and the percentage is 100%. It also describes that the Pearson chi-square value is 10.505 and the df value is 3 and significant difference (2-sided) is 0.015 followed by the likelihood ratio value is 12.872 with df 3 and 2 sided significant difference is 0.005 followed by linear-by-linear association value is 2.193 with df 1 and 2 sided significance difference is 0.139 and the total number of valid cases is 172.

The above table describes that high school (complete or incomplete) persons are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 2 and the percentage is (1.1) and high school (complete or incomplete) persons are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 7 and the percentage is (4) and high school (complete or incomplete) persons are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 3 and the percentage is (1.7) and total high school (complete or incomplete)  persons are agree and disagree and not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 12 and the percentage is (6.9) and college (complete or incomplete) persons are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 6 and the percentage is (3.4) and college (complete or incomplete) persons are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 19 and the percentage is (11) and college (complete or incomplete)persons are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 13 and the percentage is (7.5) and total college (complete or incomplete) persons are agree and disagree and not sure about the improvement in their studies due to smoking is 38 and the percentage is (22) and graduation (complete or incomplete) persons are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 16 and the percentage is (9.3) and graduation (complete or incomplete) persons are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 53 and the percentage is (30.8) and graduation (complete or incomplete) persons are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 43 and the percentage is (25) and total graduation (complete or incomplete)  persons are agree and disagree and not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 112 and the percentage is (65.1) and job holders are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 2 and the percentage is (1.1) and job holders are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 3 and the percentage is (1.7) and job holders are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 3 and the percentage is (1.7) and total job holders are agree and disagree and not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 8 and the percentage is (4.6) and illiterate persons are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 0 and the percentage is (0) and illiterate persons are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 0 and the percentage is (0) and illiterate persons are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 2 and the percentage is (1.1) and total illiterate persons are agree and disagree and not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 2 and the percentage is (1.1) and total high school, college, graduation (complete or incomplete), job, illiterate persons are agree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 26 and the percentage is (15.1) and total high school, college, graduation (complete or incomplete), job, illiterate persons are disagree to improvement in their studies due to smoking is 82 and the percentage is (47.6) and total high school, college, graduation (complete or incomplete), job, illiterate persons are not sure about improvement in their studies due to smoking is 64 and the percentage is (37.2) and the total people participated to answer this question is 172 and the percentage is (100).


·         Improving pension and insurance regulations to encourage divestment      from tobacco producers;


·         Improving regulations to enable bond issuance and investment for       long-term, sustainable finance for switching from tobacco sector.


·         Strengthening certification and Environmental, Social and Governance    (ESG) standards

·         Cost of damage to ecosystems estimated through Ecosystem

          Services Valuation and impose those on tobacco industries by form of                  special tax.

·                ***

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Project - 6

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